Appendix to the Water Measurement Manual

Appendix tables are numbered by chapter, beginning with the next number in sequence following the tables contained in the main body of each chapter. The following tables are located in the main body of the chapters: 7-1, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, and 9-1. Appendix tables for chapters 7, 8, and 9 begin with tables A7-2, A8-7, and A9-2, respectively.

Sharp-Crest Weirs
A7-2.  Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in ft3/sec.
A7-3.  Discharge of standard suppressed rectangular weirs in ft3/sec.
A7-4.  Discharge of 90° V-notch weirs, in ft3/sec.
A7-5.  Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft3/sec. Shaded entries determined experimentally.

Parshall Flumes
A8-7.  Free-flow discharge through 1-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-8.  Free-flow discharge through 2-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-9.  Free-flow discharge through 3-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-10.  Free-flow discharge through 6-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-11.  Free-flow discharge through 9-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-12.  Free-flow discharges in ft3/sec through 1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes.
A8-13.  Free-flow discharge through 10-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-14.  Free-flow discharge through 12-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-15.  Free-flow discharge through 15-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-16.  Free-flow discharge through 20-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-17.  Free-flow discharge through 25-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-18.  Free-flow discharge through 30-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-19.  Free-flow discharge through 40-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-20.  Free-flow discharge through 50-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.

Submerged Orifice Flow Meters
A9-2.  Discharge of fully contracted standard submerged rectangular orifice in ft3/sec.
A9-3.  Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices with bottom and side contractions suppressed, in ft3/sec.
A9-4.  Discharge of constant-head orifice (CHO) turnout in ft3/sec.
A9-5.  Discharge of constant-head orifice (CHO) turnout in ft3/sec.
A9-6.  Discharges for standard sized constant-head orifice (CHO) turnouts.