N.C.W.U.A. Annual Meeting
This is a reminder that the N.C.W.U.A. Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 6th, 2015. This meeting, as usual, will be held at the Helmville Community Center & starts at 7:00 pm. All members are invited and encouraged to attend.
Please Note: If you have any issues, questions, requests, suggestions or such, that you would like to have brought up for discussion at the annual meeting, please feel free to forward these in advance. Doing so would help greatly to form a more organized agenda / schedule for the meeting, and assist to ensure that these topics are not over-looked. You can call, or email me at ncwua@helmville.com. You can also call Steve Graveley (Board President), or one of the other Directors. I’m sure everyone has the contact info.
Thanks again, and see you at the meeting…