Update for 6-4-15
A combination of rains over the last few days along with decreased demand from Nevada creek senior water rights has resulted in a situation where today, all rights are good for the Upper Nevada Creek Drainage.
This will be a short-lived situation as weather conditions are now supposed to be turning somewhat hotter & drier over the next days.
Please Note about tributary rights: The method of determining “good rights” at any given time for Nevada creek tributaries is based on the available flows in the Nevada creek main channel as compared to the current demand (calls) for decreed rights. The “Prior Appropriations Doctrine” is then applied accordingly to the listing of rights for the entirety of the Upper Nevada Creek Drainage (sorted by priority date). A cut-off date for “good rights” is determined for the Nevada creek main channel, then also applied to the tributary creeks. Any water right with a priority date later than (junior to) the cut-off is listed as “not good” at that time.
Tributaries cannot be consistently monitored in the same manner as the Nevada creek main channel. Due to this, and using the previously described method, situations can arise when 1 or more rights on a given tributary can be listed as “good” at times when there is not actually the volume of flow in that tributary to fulfill the right(s). If situations such as this create a conflict between irrigators, please contact me so that I can perform measurements on that tributary and properly apply the rights distribution for that specific tributary. This process is already being performed for some, and also assists with the proper application of contract water without interfering with decreed rights.
Thanks for your attention.