Update for 7-13-15
“Quite a year” so far. Creek flows in recent weeks have been approximately 30% of historical averages, and contract water use has been substantial for this time of year.
Decreed Water Rights
As of this morning (7-13-15), the cut-off date for total available decreed water is 06-20-1879. As always, the Current Status of Irrigation Rights is being updated regularly to reflect current conditions and demand. The available rights are varying on a near continual basis, dependent on flows in part, but more so now on changing demands by senior water right holders. The application of “contract trades” & other gains have assisted with keeping more water available to more irrigators both up & down the drainage.
To date, irrigators within the Water User’s Association have been delivered a total of 6,150 Acre/Ft of decreed irrigation water. Estimates indicate a total of 9,450 Acre/Ft of decreed water has been used by all irrigators in the Upper Nevada Creek Drainage.
Contract Water
As mentioned above, contract demand has been larger than normal for the first half of the irrigation season, and some contracts have been fully consumed at this point. Reservoir storage has dropped to 56.5% of capacity, which is only 66% of historical average for this date. But by various methods, including the cooperation of irrigators to help maintain consistent flows, we have been able to keep the total system loss at fairly minimal levels. Currently, and over the last month, we have maintained a consistent buffer of 13% greater available storage as compared to remaining contract obligations. Thus we can anticipate no issues with delivering 100% of all remaining contracted water.
The W.U.A. to date has delivered a total of 4,224 Acre/Ft of contract water, leaving a total of 4,216 Acre/Ft of contract obligation. Current available reservoir storage is at 4,801 Acre/Ft. (note that “available storage” equals “total current storage” minus 1,500 Acre/Ft “minimum pool”). The reservoir status can always be viewed at the Current Reservoir Measurements page.
Contract water users can always contact me for their current contract usage.
Thanks again to all for your patience and cooperation thus far this season…