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Water Update 4-29-16

The cooler temps of the past few days have slowed stream flows over all of the Nevada creek area.  The sunny and warmer weather forecast for the following week should cause flows to increase again, or at least stabilize.  The remaining snowpack on Nevada Ridge has settled to a density of a 43% ratio between water content and snow depth.  This density combined with warmer temps should begin a more rapid runoff from that higher elevation.

Reservoir Storage & Contract Water

Current Reservoir Measurements have storage for Nevada Creek Reservoir at 84% of capacity with 9,394 acre feet of water.  At this level, we could only allot ~85% of total contract delivery.  But, at current flow averages we are projected to obtain full capacity around May 9th or 10th.  At full capacity, or close to it, we could then comfortably allot the full 100% of total contract delivery from the start of irrigation.  Therefore, it would be advantageous for contract water users if we could restrict discharging from the reservoir until May 9th.

Water Users are invited to contact me, or one of the Board of Directors, with any comments or requests about when you would want to begin contract water delivery.  There will be a Directors meeting this following Tuesday, May 3rd.  A definite start date will be determined at that time.  Thank you.